
This paper is both about the novel Frankenstein and about understanding various kinds of secondary sources that are available about the novel.

In a 600-750 word essay, compare and contrast the two secondary sources provided (the Vox video and the scholarly article by Macdonald and Scherf). You should use the week’s lecture as well as the quiz to help you understand the two sources and identify the correct vocabulary to use when writing about them. Here are some other ideas to help you out:

– For your thesis (main argument) statement, explain which of the two sources help you understand the novel better and why. Of course you may say both do for different reasons, and explain those reasons.

– You can focus part of your essay on explaining the differences between popular and scholarly sources. Use quotations or references to the two sources to help you.

– Find some quotations from Volume I of Frankenstein that support your ideas or help you understand one or both of the secondary sources, and integrate these into your essay