Injustice and Freedom
Formatting of assignment
Unless otherwise specified, assignments should be submitted as PDF or Word (.doc or .docx) files. You should use .5 line spacing, a sensible font in size 11 or 12, numbered pages, and must show a word count. Failure to do so may result in loss of some or all marks.
Careful referencing of sources is vital when making use of the work of others. You are expected to employ the referencing conventions recommended in the Course. These conventions apply to information taken from Internet sources, as well as books, journals and lectures. These are some of the points you should check before submitting your work:
-All direct quotations, from both primary and secondary sources, should be suitably acknowledged (placed in quotation marks or indented).
-You should provide full details of the source of the quotation, according to the referencing convention used in the Course.
-You should acknowledge the source of ideas not your own, even if you are not quoting directly from the source
-You need to avoid close paraphrase from sources. (Check that you are not presenting other people’s words or phrasing as if they are your own.)
4. Assessment criteria
Your assignment will be adjudged on your ability to:
1. Consolidate and critically review key theoretical and empirical knowledge on the key themes of gender, race/ethnicity, religion, class, disability and sexuality on a global scale;
2. Critically apply intersectional thinking to the key themes of the module;
3. Engage with different modes of resistance in reflective and creative ways.
As well as the Learning Outcome, your work is marked against the descriptors for the assessment criteria. The following criteria provides you with a good indicator of what we are looking for in your work at this level.