Individual Reflective report – a Strategic Financial Management Report for a Multinational Company (Tesco)


Introduction – In this section, you should provide a short summary of your group work and the approaches taken to complete the group work.

Reflection – In this section you need to address the elements request in the individual reflective report task as per the following:

1) Critically reflect on the process of your group work to complete the task.

2) Critically reflect on your individual contribution in the group task.

3) Discuss your individual learning process within the group work while carrying out the task.

4) Critically reflect on the strength and weakness of working as a group.

5) Discuss alternative methods in carrying out the group report if given the chance to do the group task again.

Conclusion– In this section, you need to summarize the main discussions of your reflective report.

– construct an argument using appropriate academic references ,journal articles, models, theory and practical case examples to illustrate your points.

– The group experience was on of the best, everyone was participating and handling their part in good way. Although 3 members of the group got covid which affected our work for 10 days, we all helped each other and worked to finish before our deadline to have a well constructed work. This group taught me discipline and dedication in all aspects.