Discussion 2

Read This Politico Article from last May: (https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/05/31/juan-williams-fox-leaving-the-five-491424)

Do you think things have changed based on the way Juan Williams left the popular Fox show? Should Juan Williams have stayed on the show if he were permitted to, participating from Washington DC? Why do you think Williams was on the program to begin with? Do you feel having Williams on the show reduced the bias of the programs coverage of the news?

Now read the following from last month…

Why do you think Chris Wallace left Fox News? Does his departure say anything about the level of perceived bias on the network?

3. After reviewing the interactive News Bias Chart, were you able to understand what the publishers were trying to accomplish with the infographic? Do you think the Infographic is useful in determining which news organizations skew in which direction? Do you trust the chart and the people who researched and created it?

Answer the above questions in a single post but in essay format or in complete answers (in complete sentences, gramatically correct)