EDD 614 Mod 4- SLP

For your Session Long Project (SLP), you will focus on the development of your literature review. Each SLP will require you to locate additional resources to strengthen your literature review.

For this assignment, complete the following task:

1. Incorporate any feedback you received on the draft literature review submitted for SLP 3.

2. Complete the following:

a. Based on the feedback, locate 3 or 4 additional references to build upon or strengthen a component of the literature review. You may use sources from your annotated bibliography or other credible sources.

b. Based on the feedback, revise the organization of your literature review. Continue to refer to the Oliver (2012) reading, which offers strategies to structure and refine your literature review.

• Incorporate all the feedback from your instructor. This includes recommended changes, modifications, or additional information necessary to improve your document.

• Use the track changes function in Word to assist your instructor in understanding where you addressed the feedback and where you modified the document.