Conflict Theory

Your theory paper should be 5-7pages long, double space, 12-point font. Pick an ongoing or a frozen conflict (you can work on the same conflict that you had worked earlier for your conflict mapping assignment or you can work on another one) and apply two theories you learned so far in the course into your analysis. These theories range from Galtung’s Structural Violence to Azar’s Protracted Social , from Realist Paradigm to Globalisation, from Greed to Grievance. The main question you should ask to answer in the paper is “which of the two conflict theories have the potential to explain the root causes of the conflict that I am analyzing?”

The paper will have 3 sections: Introduction, Theoretical Analysis I and II, and Conclusion.

Introduction: In 1-2 sentences, introduce your conflict topic, and in 1-2 sentences, introduce what you are going to write in your paper (max a half-page long).

Theoretical Analysis: By using two of the theories that you learned in the course, explain the root causes of your conflict case in detail. Do not forget to elaborate on the theory’s main assumptions, arguments, etc. and then explain how these apply to your case.

Conclusion: Summarize what you discussed in your paper. Don’t discuss anything new in this part.

Sources you may find an ongoing conflict to work on:

10 Conflicts to Watch in 2022, Crisis Group

10 Conflicts to watch in 2022, Chatham House

The top 10 crisis that the World Cannot Ignore in 2022, International Rescue Committee