
For this assignment, create a lesson plan by completing this template. Incorporating at least 3 of the following strategies from the readings.

Strategy from Week 2 (Vocabulary Instruction) or Week 3 (Making Social Studies Accessible and Engaging). Strategy from Week 4 or 5 (Non-Fiction Standards-based Reading Strategies). Strategy from Week 6 (Writing to Learn).  For example, your lesson plan might include your three strategies in this way:

Introduction: Students do a gallery-walk or rally-robin, timed-pair-share, or round-robin in response to a question you pose. (Week 3-Making Social Studies Accessible and Engaging)

During the Lesson: Students determining the main ideas of the text by using the Pair Questions and Answers technique. (Week 5-Non-Fiction Standards-based Reading Strategies)

Independent Practice or Exit ticket: Students answer a comprehension question related to the main idea of the text, pulling evidence to support their answers (RACE) OR students write a persuasive letter to their principal convincing him or her to do something related to the main idea of the article (RAFT) (Week 6-Writing to Learn).