Effective visual aids

Developing the ability to transform a set of statistics and data into an attention-grabbing and engaging visual aid that emphasizes key points can be a challenging, but worthwhile, exercise. There are a number of useful resources to help identify appropriate visual aids by the type of data and how to use color to focus attention on key statistics. One type of visual aid is a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.

For this Assignment, explore how PowerPoint can be used to create an effective presentation. Consider other types of visual aids that can be used to communicate criminal justice data. If you have not done so already, review the websites located in the Learning Resources to help find the data needed for this Assignment.

To Prepare

Review the three sets of data from criminal justice resources you provided to your Instructor in the Week 9 Assignment. Make any changes to the data you are using if your Instructor has requested you to do so.

Create a PowerPoint presentation.

Create an executive summary that describes the information presented in each of the visual aids you selected. Be sure to justify your responses using the Learning Resources and the current literature.

Make sure to include a title page slide.

For each slide, create YOUR OWN visual aid for each of the sets of data (for a total of three visual aids). These can include graphs, tables, pictures, etc. Your visual aids must be developed on your own and must not be taken from another source. (You will be creating your own charts and tables, you are not copying an already created table or chart and turning it in, and you must include the complete citation/reference for your submission and data.)