Health History Project – Genogram analysis

First section of the paper

1. Discuss the identified chronic or influential medical conditions within the family, including relationship to the student (i.e. Mother has diabetes, Father has cancer)

2. Provide a general description of the client’s significant familial chronic illnesses and potential health concerns based on the findings in the genogram

Second section of paper

1. Identify health promotion practices based on recommendations from scholarly resources (example: CDC, NIH, KSU Library, Nursing databases)

2. Provide examples of lifestyle changes that would benefit this client’s future health

3. Mechanics of writing

a. All written assignments must be neat, legible, and adhere to the basic mechanics of writing (grammar, punctuation and spelling)

b. Formatting must adhere to APA 7th Edition Manual

c. Correctly formatted in-text citations within body of the paper

d. References from at least three – four scholarly sources on the reference page