Writing Organizer: Cause and Effect

 Cause and effect explains reasons why something happens or examines its results.



  1. Describe your topic.
  2. Are you focusing on what caused something to happen or the results it produced?


  1. What are the most important things you want to share with readers?




  1. Describe the main event you are writing about.


Causes and Effects


  1. List the main causes or effects of the event you selected.


Causes                                                                                                                  Effects


  1. Examine your list. Which details are the most important? Should any trivial or minor causes or effects be revised or deleted? Should any important ones be added?
  2. How should your causes or effects be organized – by time, by order of importance, or by type?



  1. Causes Focused                                                                                                Effects Focused


Beginning and Thesis                                                                                       Beginning and Thesis


Effect(s)                                                                                                                  Cause(s)


Cause                                                                                                                         Effect


Cause                                                                                                                          Effect


Cause                                                                                                                          Effect


Cause                                                                                                                          Effect


Ending and Final Point                                                                    Ending and Final Point