Human Development – Application of Theory


Using the scenario and theories you selected,  complete the Human Development Worksheet [DOCX] by addressing the following:

  • Give a brief overview of the chosen scenario in your own words.
  • Describe the stage or stages of each theory that are most applicable to the current phase of life of the person discussed in the case study. Describe in some details the stage of life according to the theory. (For example, in Erikson’s psychosocial development theory a child who is four years old is in the stage of “initiative versus guilt.”)
  • Explain how the theory helps to understand their development and their situation.
  • Search the library for at least two scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles (or search for the library for one and use one from the list above) that provide research about the concerns faced by the person in the chosen case study.
  • Describe how the research from the articles applies to the person in the scenario you selected.
  • Apply the theories to describe how they help us to better understand this particular person at the current point of life based on the concerns and their impact on the person’s well-being.