Effectiveness of Money Risk Management Planning

Effectiveness of Money Risk Management Planning towards emotional and psychological maturation of a day trader in stock and forex trading

Part 1) Contemporary Background Literature:

Give a brief account of one or two current (5-10 years) psychology papers that might inform the thesis aims and design. Define what a day trading and day trader characteristic, what is money risk management plan, give sample of money management plan of forex (lot size entry, risk amount) etc (~600 words).

Part 2) Underpinning Theoretical Literature:

Taking the references listed in the contemporary paper described above as a starting point, summarise the key underlying psychological theories/models that are referenced in this paper (~500 words).

Part 3) The proposed Study:

a) Prepare a research question and explain how it links to the above work. The reason for this research is lack of empirical data to study the effectiveness of money management plan used in trading

b) Prepare one to two hypothesis how the research linked to the question

c) Include information on the study design, sample, materials, procedure and data that would be collected and proposed analysis. (~1000words).