Constitution of the United States
According to the Constitution of the United States, one of reasons that Americans founded the United States was to provide freedom to its people. Thus far, our class has covered, or will cover, U.S. history from Reconstruction (Chapter 15) to the Empire Era (Chapter 19). Use the readings from Modules 1-5 (or any primary source from the American YAWP Reader found in Chapters 15-19, located here ( ))
Prompt: You are writing this paper to a family member/friend who has a basic knowledge of U.S. history and is not an expert about the subject. They are interested in learning more about the following question: Has the United States discriminated against its people from Reconstruction (Chapter 15) to the Empire era (Chapter 19)? You, as an expert of U.S. history, will write a formal report using four pieces of evidence from our readings to show them how the United States has discriminated against its people during this era.
Your essays will need to include a thesis statement that addresses the question and incorporate a minimum of four pieces of evidence to support your answer. You must use sources from multiple weeks of the course to answer the prompt. For example, you cannot just use Chapter 15 from Week 1 for this essay or only Turner’s Frontier Thesis. Instead, you need to use different sources from different Modules. Your textbook must account for at least two of your pieces of evidence.