Business Plan

A Business Plan helps you evaluate the feasibility of a new business idea in an objective, critical, and unemotional way.
Marketing – Is there a market? How much can you sell?
Management – Does the management team have the skill?
Financial – Can the business make a profit?

It provides an operating plan to assist you in running the business and improves your probability of success.
Identify opportunities and avoid mistakes
Develop production, administrative, and marketing plans
Create budgets and projections to show financial outcomes

It communicates your idea to others, serves as a “selling tool,” and provides the basis for your financing proposal.
Determine the amount and type of financing needed
Forecast profitability and investor return on investment
Forecast cash flow, show liquidity and ability to repay debt

Who will use the plan? If you won’t use the plan to raise money, your plan will be internal and may be less formal. If you are presenting it to outsiders as a financing proposal, presentation quality and thorough financial analysis are very important