Internet of Things and Connected Systems

In this paper, you will gain experience assessing the value and applicability of an AI, IoT, or robotic system in addressing the technical and functional requirements of an organization.

Writing Prompt
Choose ONE of the writing prompts below to address for this paper. You don’t have to address more than one prompt.

Prompt Option 1
Research one robotic or AI system and write a convincing brief on why that technology should be adopted in an organization. For the organization, you may choose your own company, your employer, or a hypothetical company. Note that, while you need to provide references to back up your claims about the capabilities and value of your chosen system, you are ultimately writing this document to convince the reader to adopt the system. Be sure to argue why an intelligent system should be employed here. Why not just do things the “tried and true way”?

Prompt Option 2
Research the applications of AI and IoT systems for industrial applications and write a paper explaining how these technologies are transforming the way enterprises are doing work. I’d suggest choosing one domain, such as manufacturing, transportation, construction, power generation, and the like. Be sure to discuss how the application of these intelligent systems helps enterprises with their service offerings, competitiveness, and strategy. Be sure to consider why an intelligent system should be employed in the first place.

Prompt Option 3
IoT, AI, and robotics are coming together to revolutionize the transportation industry. As an example, companies like Embark (, Waymo (, Ford, and others are developing driverless vehicles for both the consumer and corporate space. Write a research brief on how driverless vehicles may upset the transportation industry, or a segment thereof. Be sure to address how driverless systems will change the mission, strategy, and services in transportation.

Prompt Option 4
As with other papers, if you have your own idea for a topic that doesn’t fall directly in line with any of the previous prompts, discuss with me. You may be able to write on your own topic… one that is more in line with your career goals or interests. Just make sure you get my feedback before writing about your custom topic.