Technology and culture

In stage 3, you will write a reflective paper to compare your autobiographical story of technology to the biographical information about technology you learned from the person you interviewed.

Be sure to include the following in your paper:

  1. An introduction that describes the generational and demographical differences between you and the person you interviewed.
  2. Select one of your experiences with technology and one of your interviewees experiences that resemble the experiences in the assigned chapters from The Inner Life of Devices for week 8, or any of the other chapters in that book. Identify which chapter from the book you are using and describe similarities and differences between your experience and your interviewee’s.
  3. Select one of your experiences with technology and one of your interviewees experiences that resemble the experiences in the assigned chapters from From Curlers to Chainsaws for week 8, or any chapters from that book. Identify which chapter from the book you are using and compare how technology informed your and your interviewee’s generational (Gen X, Gen Z, Boomer etc.), regional, gender, racial, religious, ethnic, familial, class or cultural identity.
  4. In your comparisons for #1 and #2, be sure to identify a specific technology and cover any positive or negative impacts of the technology.
  5. Conclude your paper with a paragraph about 5-7 sentences that  conveying your general thoughts about how technology and human experiences can shape each other.
  6. Make sure to cite your interview and any other resources you have used, including course learning materials, in MLA format at the end of your paper.