Discipline Management: NELP 6.3

Legal Policy for Student Well-Being
The intern understands and demonstrates the capacity to reflectively evaluate, communicate about, and implement laws, rights, policies, and regulations to promote student and adult success and well-being.

Artifact: Discipline management plan
To guide the development of the discipline management plan, assume the role of a principal through the following scenario:

You have just been hired as a first-year principal and are in the process of updating the teacher handbook. Upon careful review, you notice that the section on discipline management procedures for student conduct is vague and not clearly defined. Having seen the report from the previous year on the high numbers of disciplinary infractions, you recognize that a plan must be put in place immediately.

In preparation for designing a discipline management plan, review the legal due process for suspensions and expulsions in your district and review at least two student codes of conduct handbooks from other schools or districts, using technology resources for handbooks provided online. Then, create a fully articulated discipline management plan that is aligned to school and district policies. Discuss what steps you will take to:

Communicate the plan to stakeholders.
Implement the plan at your school.
Monitor the plan for effectiveness.