Global nursing shortage

You will write a paper that contains a minimum of 4 pages but no longer than 6 pages for this course as its portfolio project. Your paper will address a topic of global nursing shortage, the topic associated with global health and health disparities. Nursing shortage in the United Stated is a problem that we all have been aware of for the longest time. This problem is not isolated only in our country; it is a global phenomenon. As some of you may have heard, there are nursing agencies who bring in international nurses to the U.S. to alleviate the severity of nursing shortage. One may ask if it is ethically justifiable to do so, especially when those foreign nurses are from the developing countries. From the same token, is it ethical for the nurses to come to the U.S. or to some other developed countries, leaving their own countries in
a worse public health and a more severe nursing shortage? The answer to this question may vary, depending on whom you ask. What about from the legal standpoints? Does hiring international nurses to come work in the U.S. pose any legal issues/concerns to us, the nurses themselves, and/or the nurses’ home countries?

Provide an overview of the topic 10
Review published literature that addresses the global nursing shortage to provide a broad picture of the situation. The discussed elements of the situation could be a combination of some or all of the following: causes, trends, impacts,
challenges, any relevant aspects found in the literature.

Discuss two (2) ethical/legal issues/concerns associated with the global nursing shortage as stated in the literature (e.g., population’s health issues, foreign nurse recruitment, recruiting agencies, immigration restrictions) with an integration of your personal views.