Population Health Management

What did you find to be the most difficult portion of conducting a community health needs assessment?
Group work and teammate location. The most difficult part of this assignment was working as a group while living in different time zones and different states with varying life/work schedules. Also conducting a survey without the entire group being present.
The other was organizing the group to be more efficient. Use Module 1 for group introductions and role assignments. Allow group members to pick out the leader. Role suggestions:

Leader: Guides weekly assignments. Responsible for putting together the final compilation. Grammar, APA format and in charge of put the final compilation together

Teammate 2: Manage Discussion Board posts and replies and weekly assignment submissions

Teammate 3- Manage Survey, Demographics, and Health Needs

Teammate 4- Manager of Behavioral Theory, Precede-Proceed Method, Predisposing/Enabling factors, etc

Teammate 5- Manager of Asset Mapping, Community Resources, Barriers, and Policymaking