Future Pandemics

Fully answer questions using an APA 4page discussion post narrative style and DO NOT simply provide a list of comments. Please format by using logical paragraphs (not one long paragraph and avoid long lists).
Make sure to cite AT LEAST 3 scholarly or highquality sources. Wikipedia or sensational or
personal websites DO NOT qualify.

Now that we have studied an outbreak (measles) and a pandemic (COVID19), consider the following:
What do you think the next pandemic will look like? Do you think we will respond faster because
of this experience with COVID19? Why or why not?

What type of pathogen do you think it will be? Select a potential pandemic pathogen that is not
measles or COVID19. Which do you think is a potential agent for the next pandemic? (Hint: take
a look at CDC Category A agents too)

How will it be different than COVID19 or the same?

What surveillance, prevention, and control measures would be appropriate for your chosen

What is currently being done in the “real world” about this pathogen?