Self Reflection

Now that you have almost graduated (MSN in Nurse Educator), address the following questions that are derived from the four lenses for reflective practice in teaching and the person-centered care models outlined in the lesson.

1. What are your strengths as an educator that you will carry forward in practice? Consider your own reflections as well as feedback from your mentor, peers, and instructor. Where do you need to grow (autobiographical lens; prerequisites to person-centered care)?

2. What have you learned from your students, your fellow graduate students, and yourself as a student about what students need from their teachers? How will you demonstrate that you care about student success (student lens; care processes and student-centered outcomes)?

3. What type of working environment do you seek in the future (peer lens; learning environment)? What kind of support do you need from your peers? What type of employer best suits your professional goals?

4. What is your plan for lifelong learning? What further credentials and certifications will you seek? How will you develop as a scholar? What are your plans for publication and presentations? What are your professional passions going forward and how will your MSN help you pursue them (theoretical lens)?

5. Reflecting back on your direct care practicum experience, how did this differ from your undergraduate practicum experiences? What tools did to use during the direct care practicum?