Article Analysis of 4 articles

Format: single spaced, 12-point letter size, Calibri type face, one inch margins. Number your pages and include your name and student number on a running header throughout the document.
Follow the detailed instructions regarding format and the questions that should be answered in crafting these summaries.

Assignment Format: There are 5 sections in this assignment, one per article.

For each article (see articles’ detailed summary instructions below)

I. Article 1. Full ASA reference as heading. Then, answer in paragraph form questions 1-4

II. Article 2. Full ASA reference as heading. Then, answer in paragraph form questions 1-4

III. Article 3. Full ASA reference as heading. Then, answer in paragraph form questions 1-4

IV. Article 4. Full ASA reference as heading. Then, answer in paragraph form questions 1-4

V. Final section: A paragraph developing your research question (see detailed instructions below).

Articles’ summaries’ detailed instructions

Sections I-IV:
In your analysis you will include the following four sections for each article:

1. Research question: What sociological question did the researcher ask? Possible sub-questions: Why were they interested in that question? What motivated them to ask this question?

2. Methods: How did they answer the question? Possible sub-questions: What was the method (data collection technique) that they used or what was the data source (interviews, survey, documents, other)? How many interviewees, surveys, or documents, etc. did they analyze? How did they gain access to their study participants, their fieldwork site, or the materials they studied?

3. Findings: What were their findings? Provide a summary of their findings for this section.

4. Possible research question: After reading each article and answering questions 1-3, what research question would you want to ask for this article? This can be a single question or multiple questions.

Section V – Reflection on possible orientation re research question.

We are asking you to think out loud as it were for this section. In your reflection, consider the following: How would you build on what has been addressed by these four articles? What new avenues for research could you pursue?