NU 590 Midterm Exam Total Points: 100 Points

Part A [20 points]
Choose any 10 of the following terms. Describe each term that you selected in your own words and provide a real-life healthcare application of this concept.

1. Probability:
2. Variable:
3. Sample:
4. Mean:
5. Discrete variable:
6. Continuous variable:
7. Incidence Rate
8. Control and treatment groups
9. Clinical Trial
10. External validity
11. Dichotomous variable
12. Survey research
13. Prospective study

Part B [20 points]
For this section, you will need to use the BMI Data Excel file and the CDC BMI Group Calculator Excel file.

• Read the Instructions located in the first tab of the CDC BMI Group Calculator Excel file. Then input the raw data from the BMI Data Excel file into the Measurements tab.
• Review the results that are generated by the template in the Group Summary tab. Prepare a short memo of the key findings (in less than 10 sentences) to the County Health Board stating the extent of the obesity problem. How severe would you describe the obesity problem in the county to be? What recommendations would you make to the County to address their problem?

Part C [10 points]
Copy and paste the following table into Excel. Use Excel in order to compute the relative frequency or the probabilities associated with each class interval and fill in the rest of the table. Then answer the questions that follow.
Class Interval Frequency Relative Frequency or Probability Relative Frequency or Probability Expressed as a Percentage
0-4.99 10
5-9.99 15
10-14.99 5
15-19.99 10
20-24.99 10
25-29.99 10

1. What percentage of the measurements are in the range of 10 and 14.99?
2. What percentage of the measurements are more than 15?
3. How many of these measurements are between 10 and 19.99?
4. What is the probability that a randomly selected number will be in the range of 5 and 15?

Part D [10 points]
The following table shows 1,000 nursing school applicants, classified according to scores made on a college entrance exam and the quality of the high school from which they graduated. Use the data in the table to answer the questions that follow.
Score Poor (P) Average (A) Superior (S) Total
Low (L) 105 60 55 220
Medium (M) 70 175 145 390
High (H) 25 65 300 390
Total 200 300 500 1000

• Calculate the probability that an applicant picked at random…
o …made a high or low score on the exam
o …made a low score on the exam and graduated from a superior high school
o …made a medium score or graduated from an average high school
o …graduated from an average high school
• Compare and comment on the probability that an applicant picked at random…
o …made a high score on the exam given that they graduated from a poor high school
o …made a high score on the exam given that they graduated from a superior high school
• Calculate the following probabilities:
o P (AP)
o P (L)

Part E [20 points]
Literature Review
With the help of Google Scholar, select 5 articles on the topic of childhood obesity in the United States published in the last 5 years and provide the findings in the form of a matrix. After you’ve completed the literature review matrix, provide three separate summary sentences about the key findings of these articles.

Name of the Article Methods used Participants Outcome or dependent variable Independent variables Results
APA Citation
Contact details of lead author Study Design, Qualitative or quantitative
Cross-section or longitudinal
International Review Board (IRB) Number of participants
Key characteristics of the sample (age, sex, etc.)
Method of sampling Outcome definition
Time points for outcome data collection Key Independent variable of interest
Treatment or control group used
Specific intervention Summary of the major themes, summary of findings

Key Findings of the Literature Review Articles:
1) [Add your summary statement here]
2) [Add your summary statement here]
3) [Add your summary statement here]

Part F [20 Points]
Article Review
Read the article from the CDC, Falls and Fall Injuries Among Adults Aged ≥65 Years — United States, 2014. Then, answer the following questions:

1. What type of a study was conducted by the authors of this report? What was the source of their data?

2. Provide two key findings of this report.
• [Add your key finding here]
• [Add your key finding here]

3. What was the key dependent variable or the survey questions that were central to this study?

4. In one sentence each, describe how falls varied based on the following patient categories:
• Gender:
• Age-groups:
5. How are these findings relevant to nurses or other clinicians? What role can nurses’ or clinicians play after reading this article?