Violence in Voinjama, Liberia

In February 2010, in a small town of Konia, Lofa County, a 20-year girl named Korpo Kamara went missing and was later found dead. There were many different stories that people began telling about how and why the girl died. These stories turned into rumors that spread across Lofa County like wild fire. That winter, the only radio station that normally operates in Lofa County was off the air due to technical problems. Because the radio station was down, there was no effective way to prevent or dispel the rumors. These continued to spread rapidly through the County due to widespread ownership of mobile phones. The rumors circulating about the young girl’s death heightened communal tensions in Lofa Country. On February 26, 2010 violent clashes erupted in Voinjama, the capital of Lofa County. Four people died during the clashes, many were wounded, and there was significant property damage. Using the information provided in this packet, work with your group to develop a conflict map that represents your understanding of the conflict. Draw the map on the flip chart. When developing the map you should consider the following questions:

Who are the parties to the conflict?
What are the parties’ interests?
What are the parties’ grievances?
What are the trigger events?
What are the root causes of the conflict?