Assessment is by one assignment, a critical essay of 6000 words (100%) which integrates theory and practice. The assignment must include a clear structure with an abstract, a list of references and, where appropriate, appendices and diagrams. You must make appropriate use of journal articles and texts. References should follow the Harvard system – see the guide at:

1. A critical literature review of key theories of the nature and exercise of leadership in organizations (40% of the available marks)
2. A critical evaluation of the behavior of selected leaders that you have encountered in the course of your career, in relation to a range of theories of leadership (40% of the available marks)
3. A summary of the learning you can take from this assignment for your own practice and development as a leader (20% of the available marks)

Note the mark allocations to each part of the assignment.

For part two of the assignment, you should include a brief explanation of how you know about the behavior of the leaders you are discussing: for example, did you work for them? Or alongside them? If so, for how long? In order to enable you to undertake a thorough analysis, you are advised to discuss only two, or at most three, individuals. Make sure that you analyse their behaviour in relation to published theories of leadership.

For part three of the assignment, you should include specific points about what you will do to develop your leadership capabilities.