Operational and Project Management Report

Topic 1.

For CM topic some content can include a mix of the below:

Define capacity: objectives of capacity and capacity management: Cost, Revenue, Capital, Quality, Speed, Dependability, Flexibility.

Matching Demand and Supply: Discuss what is Level Capacity, Chase Demand, Change Demand. Apply how company Forecast Demand and Methods of Adjusting Capacity examples.

Types of Capacity: Discuss what are Design, Effective, Actual capacities. Discuss what is Capacity Utilisation and Efficiency.

The five steps of Capacity Planning and Control which are: forecast demand, measure capacity, manage demand side, manage supply side, and understand the consequences of different capacity management systems

Example for each stage could be included from the company on how to manage demand and capacity.

Methods of Forecasting Demand and any seasonality and patterns of demand at the company

Examples of types of votality forecasting at the company.

Other examples of application on SCM can include examples of:
Highlight capacity management examples

Give way how company managed to have high capacity utilization ( no waste of resources)

Examples how company forecast future demand so capacity can handle demand.

How pandemic impacted forecasting demand.

Give examples where Design Capacity ends up lower when measuring actual capacity

Give examples of excess capacity within the company ( waste of resources )

Examples of coping solutions to increase capacity if demand increases unexpectedly.

Topic 2

For SCM topic some content can include a mix of the below:

SCM theory Intro: from Slack Textbook, Lectures slides, VLE and academic journals.

Discuss the Supply Chain of your organisation (supply side and demand side) with examples from organisation.

Discuss briefly 4 types of Supply Networks: Spot/Virtual, Partnership, Vertical Integration, Tradition / Contractual. Give examples of the type of supply network relationship your company has with suppliers. Give examples of main suppliers to your company. What do they communicate – what kind of relationship is it ?

Lean vs Agile supply Networks – can include diagram/ chart on Nature of Demand vs. Supply Chain Objective Apply – Give examples of functional and innovative products from your company – Discuss Efficient vs Responsive Supply chain that your company has.

De-coupling Point: You can give theory on this with one example at which point does the De-Coupling point in the Supply Chain, comes into play

Selecting a Supplier: Initial Qualification > Agree Measurement criteria . Obtain information > Make Selection

Bullwhip Effect: Discuss theory and shows some examples from your company.
Other examples of application on SCM can include examples of:
Highlight examples of any disruptions in supply chains on the company due to pandemic etc.

Examples of contingency plans with suppliers or examples to remedy any challenges

Any examples of Vertical Integration the company went through to control the supply chain.

Highlight some Suppliers for the organisation and how are suppliers selected?

Students can discuss the purchasing patterns, logistics and delivery patterns.

How the company forecasts the demand / supply.

You can give example of the De-coupling point at your organisation

You can opt to define each of the lean and agile supply networks and show functional vs innovative and efficient vs responsive SCM.

Compare lean and agile based on their advantages and disadvantages

Topic 3.

For IM topic some content can include a mix of the below:

Types of Inventory and consequences and give examples of Inventory: Physical, Queues, Databases etc. Give examples from the company

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) – EOQ Charts is ideal with Total Cost, Holding Costs and Order Cost relationships to be discussed. Give examples from company what impacts the costs. Examples of where is inventory stored, ordered, delivered.

Can include EOQ = SQR of 2DC/h and discuss it in relation to their organisation.
Pareto Curve / Class ABC System Theory: ie. Class A = 80% of total inventory value – Chart can be included Apply: Students can discuss which inventory items have the most value and are use most frequently at the organisation (

Challenges of Inventory Systems: Quantity / Keying Errors, Damage, misplacements, wrong orders stores, delay in record updating, stolen items by staff at the company.

Costs for Inventory: The nature of Placing Order and their costs, Working Capital Cost, Rent for storage, Facilities for inventory, Storage Cost, Staff Cost, Price discounts, Obsolesce / expiry date costs, Inefficiency Cost etc.

Examples of Stocktaking process and inspections, theft control, forecasting orders, how orders are generated from company.

Other examples of application on SCM can include examples of:
Examples of Inventory Management / Stocktaking procedure

Apply the Class ABC and create table to shows items in A-B-C categories

Some statistics / estimates on scope/size of the: Inventory / storage / wastage / order process / timing of orders / theft reduction / ideal stock level

Examples of Physical / Queues of Customers / Cloud Digital Inventory Storage.

Examples of Holding Costs/ Order Costs/ Costs of Inventory over Time.

Examples of Procedure to place an order for new stock – how/who decided order quantity, when / EOQ software / decision making process

Discuss if the Two Bin system will be appropriate to your company.

Teams for IM: Purchasing Manager / Stock Manager – people involved

Discuss lead times for specific products and how company can accommodate for this.

Discuss cost of inventories particular to your company

Topic 4

For QM, content can include a mix of the below:
Quality Management theory: Define Quality, Dimensions of Quality with examples, Show how quality is important (revenue & cost effects); Tools of Quality Management at your company and charts eg. Flow charts, Fishbone, Scatter etc

Quality Characteristics (Functional, Appearance, Reliability, Durability, Recovery, Contact etc) – can apply with a Table with example from company.

Total Quality Management: Theory to shows what is the TQM Concept, Definitions; Discuss chart of Inspection > QC > QA > TQM, Some types of events for Quality Control at Company like Testing, Specification, Control Charts software used, any processes to improve Quality, Quality meetings that occurred etc.

GAP Theory of Quality with diagrams of Gaps in Quality and give examples at company selected

Quality Costs PAF Model (Preventions, Appraisal & Failure Model) – 4 types of quality costs. Apply with examples of costs from company.

Biefly, Six Sigma Concept: Discuss if Six Sigma is implemented at your company and shows the DMAIC Methodology at your company.

Sandcone Model of Improvement (Cost / Flex / Speed / Dep / Quality )

Other examples of application on MM can include examples of:

You can give example of Quality Awards won by your organisation

Highlight the required certifications the company had to fulfil for authorities.

Explain specific methods to lower the costs of quality

Discuss any training and other events employee go over during / after induction

Show what software is used to implement and improve quality.

Some example of benchmarking or standardisation exercises within the company.

Any failures of quality within the company or customer recalls etc.