Create a Request for Proposal (RFP) for an event supplier

You have recently been hired as the Director of Meetings for the National Association for Law Placement, Inc. (NALP). Your first order of business is to find a location for the 2026 Annual Education Conference. You have decided to locate the event in a single hotel rather than use a convention center and a hotel.

Visit the web site for NALP to learn more about this organization and its event history:

When creating your RFP, assume that 750 people will attend the conference. Many of them will be sharing rooms but not all of them. Pay particular attention to the dates/times of the various functions at NALP and the types/size of spaces you will need.

There are many resources available in Module 1 to help you with this assignment, particularly the Jubilee RFP. While you may want to use the Jubilee RFP and Cvent RFP as a starting point, there are significant differences between this event and the Cvent & Jubilee events that you need to consider.  For example, at the NALP event, there is no function that warrants staging and rehearsals.

The program for 2026 follows and clearly details the schedule and functions held throughout the conference.