A mechanistic Review: Early diagnosis of Hashimotos Thyroiditis using a causal bayesian network.

Design and justify a research proposal on a topic relevant to PN (LO: 5).

Critically analyse and evaluate relevant literature to justify the choice of topic. Detail a methodology to gather and evaluate evidence to achieve the research aims (LO: 3, 4, 5).

Critically evaluate the utility and limitations of the proposed research to existing approaches to personalised, stratified and population-based nutrition and justify this analysis and evaluation by relating your evaluation to a critical analysis the similarities and differences between the different paradigms and their implications for clinical practice (LO: 1, 2).

With reference to concepts from the philosophy of science, critically evaluate how statistical models and/or clinical tools could be constructed to support a personalised and evidence-based approach to nutrition practice on this topic. Critically evaluate any ethical issues and socio-economic barriers to and consequences of the use of these models and/or clinical tools in healthcare (LO: 2, 5, 6). Aim to include 60 references.