CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility

This is intended to be a typical essay style question, so you should write in an essay style using subheadings where appropriate and referencing appropriately using the Harvard referencing style. The paper is not a report nor literature review.

The main learning outcomes of the coursework are:

• To develop skills in critical analysis and evaluation of CSR theories, concepts and issues in the academic literature
• To develop research and academic writing skills
• To develop a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of key aspects of CSR.
• To develop skills in critical analysis and evaluation of contemporary social and environmental issues affecting corporations and their CSR practices.
• To develop the ability to construct an argument

In the essay you are required to address one of the following questions:

1. “CSR will contribute to achieving the commitments set out by COP 26”. Discuss.

2. Critically examine one multi-stakeholder initiative (MSI) of your choice in which there is the participation of at least one multi-national corporation. You can find lists of MSIs in Mena & Palazzo (2012), Fransen & Kolk (2007) and Gilbert et al., (2011). What conclusions can you draw about the role of MNEs and achievements of the MSI?

Guidelines for both questions: It is expected that you demonstrate that you read and engaged with the relevant literature covered in the lectures and discussed in academic journals and books. Additional references and readings can be also used. You are expected to draw on practical examples to argue your case. For this, you should collect secondary sources of data. Do not rely on illustrations and examples provided in academic papers, this is an independent research exercise. Integrate data beyond the corporate websites and justify your arguments by relying on various sources of information (NGO and governmental reports, newspapers, etc) to assess objectively the information. Avoid from copy-pasting from the CSR reports or corporate websites; interpret and summarise this material. If your essay shows signs of plagiarism, a disciplinary procedure will be started. Please consult KBS policy on Plagiarism and citing references.