Assignment #8 – Harassment–Intimidation – Bullying (HIB)

We have known for decades that the behaviors within the school walls mirror the community at large. Therefore, if there is violence in the city or town there will be violence in the schools.

As teachers, you are now an essential part of the school community. You are the role model for hundreds of children and consciously or not, you will establish your own philosophy on harassment, intimidation, and bullying. Good or bad this philosophy will be emulated by your students in the classroom and for years to come.

Your assignment is to do the following:

1. Define harassment.

2. Define intimidation.

3. Define bullying.

4. Explain why you believe HIB has become a major issue in today’s world.

5. Identify the key elements in the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Law.

6. Outline the process required of schools to handle incidents of HIB.

7. What is a Safe School?

8. Discuss why the law was declared unconstitutional.

9. List five strategies you would employ in your classroom to eliminate/reduce incidents of HIB.

10. Relate a story, incident you personally witnessed and discuss whether it was handled appropriately.