Reflective account “four of them 500 words each”

  • The fourth reflective account will reflect on an experience in your practice relating to the safe administration of medicines.
  • Three of the accounts will reflect on the inter-professional seminars you have been invited to attend throughout the year.


This is a 2000 word written assessment that demonstrates the achievement of the learning outcomes:

Demonstrate clinical competence and the ability to act independently where appropriate, supporting the Registered Nurse in collaborative assessment and planning of care delivery for a group of patients and their family/carers, monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the care provided.

Demonstrate situational judgement in performing the role of the nursing associate within the parameters of practice, and act as an ambassador for the profession.

Demonstrate safe administration of medicines, including controlled drugs where appropriate, adhering to professional and legal requirements.

Embed reflective practice to develop and inform the delivery of safe and effective planned care.

You are required to write four reflective accounts. Each reflective account should be 500 words. You are required to use the template provided, which closely reflects the NMC’s revalidation ‘reflective accounts form’.Structure your work

Each of the reflective accounts needs to be written on this template. The boxes within the template will expand as you enter your text.

When completing the template, you should consider the following:

What was the inter-professional learning seminar, or experience in your practice relating to the safe administration of medicines?

If you are reflecting on one of the inter-professional learning seminars then this section only needs to be one sentence e.g. I attended an inter-professional learning seminar entitled ‘The lived experience of cancer care’.

If you are reflecting on an experience relating to the safe administration of medicines then this section needs to be two or three sentences giving a brief overview of the experience.

What did you learn from the seminar or practice experience?

This should be a longer section and should explain the key points of learning you are taking from the seminar or practice experience. What is the new learning for you? There should be supporting references used to analyse the points being considered.

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Consider how your practice as a nursing associate has changed or improved as result of the learning from this specific seminar or practice experience.

How is this relevant to the Code?

Consider which of the themes within the NMC Code (2018) are relevant to this new learning and explain why it is relevant. It may only be relevant to one theme, or it may be relevant to all four. As you are discussing the Code, it should be included as a citation in the work.