You must write a 1-2 paragraph original post that answers both of the following prompts Identify and highlight bold at least 7 key terms For example phonics, balance literacy, emergent literacy can be key terms :

A. Which approach to teaching reading and literacy (Phonics, Whole Language, Balanced Literacy or Emergent Literacy lesson) do you believe is most effective for an ELL who is English proficient (an ACCESS level of 3)?

B. Discuss two approaches to teaching reading and literacy that you believe are not as effective for supporting students who have an ACCESS level of 1?

• Connect your comments (compare and contrast) to what you learn from the videos

• (make sure you identify the specific scene by providing the time marker, “at the 2m:15s mark”)

• Make sure you provide connections to specific quotes from the videos AND our textbook.

You must watch and discuss ALL videos

1. To cite a video within your text you will need the title of the video, e.g. “(The IEP Team).”

2. If you are citing a video within your text and you are referring to a specific scene or quoting a line then you will need the title of the video and the specific time marker e.g. “(The IEP Team, 1m:25s).”

3. To cite the video in your works cited section you will need the name of the website, the title of the video and the URL address (do not add the quotation marks).