
The focus of the presentation and paper is to give a brief description of the specific organism (species, or if you need to, genus) and how an abiotic factors of the ocean that may influence the physiology of this organism. You need to choose one species and one abiotic factor (i.e., oysters and ocean acidification) and can discuss many impacts on the organism’s physiology (i.e., changes in reproduction, growth, mortality, behavior, etc).

This is a 1-2 page, double spaced, 12 point font (with normal margins) paper that will serve as the backbone of this project. You should explain as much as possible about your organism, including (but not limited to) where the organism is found, any unique anatomical features and adaptations, its evolutionary history (phylogeny), and how the abiotic factor you chose can affect the physiology of the organism. Abiotic factors could include temperature, salinity, sunlight, oxygen and nutrients, currents and waves, and pollution. Physiological effects could include changes in reproduction, growth, digestion, predation/mutualism, and survivorship.