
This is a 2,300-report based on an assessment procedure in an organisation. You will be assessing BARCLAYS assessment procedure whilst employing candidates to their designated roles.  You will need to include on the report a contents page, executive summary and Harvard referencing.  Please write in THIRD person only and use some theory based on psychometric procedures in the report in relation to Barclays’s selection process. DO NOT GO OFF TOPIC!!!

You will write a report based on your investigation of current assessment procedures employed by Barclays used as part of their assessment or selection process. Any relevant materials used in the process can be used as Appendices You might focus on the whole assessment process such as an Assessment Centre, or select part of the assessment/selection process, such as interviewing, role play, in-tray exercise etc. You can, but are not required to, focus on the use of psychometric measures. Your report will be 12 font Ariel, 1.5 spacing and will include the following:

  • An executive summary – A short paragraph summarising the key points of the investigation, the findings, and key recommendations.
  • An introduction: This introduces the topic of assessment and selection generally, and the organisation worked with.
  • Explain how the information for the assignment was gathered.
  • Description of company and description of job role
  • Description of Current Procedures:
  • Description of current assessment procedures used to select the job you are focussing
  • This should include: the job description (what form of job analysis was used to generate this?) person specification, how are candidates contacted? What assessment methods are involved? (Interviews? Role-play? Group exercises?) Who is involved in the assessment? How are they trained for their role
  • Critical Analysis of Procedures.
  • Critically evaluate what the purpose and use of the procedures is/are.
  • Consider any training issues? Ethical issues? Issues of reliability and validity.
  • Is this the best method to use for their current selection/development programme?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the techniques employed?
  • Current research literature to support your report is required, i.e., relevant research on methods and theory relating to good practice.
  • Are psychometrics included in the current process? If not, do you think they should be?
  • How would you suggest the company might improve their approach?
  • Make specific recommendations arising from your critical review.
  • References – Use the HARVARD reference system.
  • Appendices – This section will include all assessment material from the company – job
  • descriptions etc – application forms, any rating scales used in assessment, examples of
  • tests etc. and emails between you and the HR manager if appropriate.