An Critical Analysis Essay Report and Four Weekly Planner

Explain the importance of good planning for writing instruction to reflect the complexity of learning to write.
Explain what research tells us about what works and what the curriculum demands are for Years 2 and 3.

Be sure to include references to key readings, additional readings you have researched and curriculum descriptions and achievement standards (VC:E and LLP – Literacy Learners Progression.

Part 1:
Instructional Analysis – (1,500 words)

a) What was Miss Felicity doing that was EFFECTIVE- When making judgements about effectiveness refer to research and theory (use referencing) and give examples from the scenario. You need to justify your evaluation.

b) What was Miss Felicity doing that was LESS EFFECTIVE- When making judgements about the lack of her effectiveness refer to research and theory and give examples from the scenario. You need to justify your evaluation. Be careful here- she gets some things “half-right” and sometimes her good ideas go astray- you can pick these up for improvement in Section C of Part 1.

c) Explain what you would do to improve the overall effectiveness of Miss Felicity’s teaching? Give specific examples of what you would change and why (research and curriculum should be cited here), how the changes would improve the quality of teaching.


Part 2:
Select ONE sample and present an annotated analysis of the sample and the rubric.
The annotations can be in text boxes or on sticky notes attached to the sample and the rubric.

When making a judgement about a rubric description, exact examples from the child’s text should be used. E.g. don’t just say “The students has problems with spelling.” State what patterns are troublesome and give the examples from the child’s writing as examples. Refer to the curriculum descriptions and Literacy Learning Progressions to ensure you are on track and correctly identifying needs and instructional responses. If you fail to be specific here you will likely not do well in the assignment.

• Write one to two paragraphs explaining the needs of the child as you see them from your analysis. This deals with the question… What can they do?
• Write another one to two paragraphs on how the needs of this child can be effectively met. This deals with the question… What do they need to learn next?


Part 3
Introduction. (200 words)

Pull Parts 1 and 2 together to provide a Part 3 introduction that explains your rationale for the FOUR week planning overview for Miss Felicity’s class that you are about to present. The rationale should take account of how you said you would improve her writing program, and what you discovered about the needs of the child whose writing you analysed. You could also look over all the other samples provided to see if you can spot some common issues you’d like to address,


Part 3 Lesson Planning Overview

In this section you can use the following table to present a planning outline for what you think instruction should look like in Miss F’s classroom. Remember, here you are expected to demonstrate clear understanding of purposeful and authentic instruction for writing (including sub skill development) You must show a command of writing workshop practices/pedagogy (as per readings and Lit Toolkit pages). We also expect you to show some complex understanding of the demands of teaching genre effectively. You may choose to address certain conventions in your teaching to such as sentence sense, grammar, spelling and punctuation.