Budget Preparation and Rationale

You will be submitting two items for this assignment:
You will create a budget for FY 2022-2023 for your library.
You will write a budget proposal explaining the rationale for your proposed budget.
For this assignment you will be working to prepare a budget for the library you selected (YALE University Library has been selected) and have been working with for all of your previous assignments. Based on the budget you prepare; you will also be creating a written rationale to request your budget be approved. You will be working with a budget template (TEMPLATE ATTACHED) for this assignment, but keep in mind that your real library (all libraries) may have different budgeting methods and evaluation tools that they use. Since budgets vary by library type, you will want to make sure you follow the instructions and use the template that matches the type of library you are working with for this course very carefully.

Library Budget Proposal/Rationale: You will fill out the FY 2022-2023: Proposed section of your library type’s budget template. You will notice these templates already include the previous year’s budget for your chosen library, and this will help you determine your 2022-2023 budget using the instructions located in the folder for your library type (Academic Library). There are specific changes indicated in the instructions that you must follow in order for your budget to work out. Your document will also include an official rationale that details why your budget should be approved. In a one-page document (template provided entitled Library Budget Proposal Rationale”)
You will explain the rationale for your overall budget and talk about what you are requesting and why you are requesting that amount. Be sure to also explain all changes you made in order to balance the budget, including the changes mandated by the assignment instructions. Your proposal should be fairly detailed (don’t just say “there was an increase in spending on X, Y, or Z”; say how much). Here is an example: