
Attention Getter: Breakups are something no one ever wants to face, especially if they believe that the relationship there could be the one. Not only could breaking-up resort to crucial life adjustments in living and economic situations, but the end of a relationship generates a considerable amount of emotional grief.
Benefits: Being broken up with is never fun, after the emotional distress and mental meltdowns there could be an upside to it. It is imperative to understand that ending a relationship is never the end, and gives time/space to figure out who a person really is and what they expect in their
next relationship.

MP1: If a person is upset after a breakup that is very normal, however, if that upsetting feeling is prolonged and affects their day-to-day activities they are depressed.
A. Explain the term depression. (in own words)
1. Explain clinical depression
a. The symptoms of clinical depression
2. Explain Situational depression

b. Examples/symptoms of clinical depression

B.Explain why the depression occurs.

C. Explain the risks factors of depression

  1.  Misusing drugs/alcohol
    a. How does misusing these factors effects their mental health
  2.  Suicidal thoughts/tendencies
    a. How having these thoughts affects their well being
    b. If they are having these thoughts or tendencies please reach out.

MP2: Breaking up from a long time partner does not only affect the people within the relationship but it also affects the people outside of the relationship.

A. Introduce the impacts it has on the families, as well as the families that were created
a. Explain the toll it takes on their mental health(impact)

B. Introduce the second impact on friends