Read this paragraph and write a summary. (What you like about it, what you know about it, or if you agree, etc.)

The research paper report’s primary purpose is to communicate with the readers and should always be written in a scientific writing style (Myers & Hansen, 2011). The research report is there for general information to the reader and should not involve your personal opinion or experiences so that the researcher will not sound biased toward the experiment (Myers & Hansen, 2011). Many steps should be followed to complete an accurate research paper. those steps are first the title page which gives the reader an idea of what the report is going to be about. also gives the reader the independent and dependent variables. second is the abstract page which summarizes the report in a past tense approach, explaining the method, experiment, and procedures given in the research (Myers & Hansen, 2011). next comes the introduction and in this part, the researcher must introduce their hypothesis, independent and dependent variables, and how they plan to execute the experiment. afterward comes the method part. in the method part, this is where the researcher explains to the reader how they want to do the research such as what materials they going to use and what type of method design such as within-subject design or between-subject design. Participants come next and in this part, the researcher explains what type of participants the researchers want in their experiment and describes the characteristics such as age, gender, and status as well as how the participants were selected. The next measure is how the researcher will collect the data such as in interviews or through observations. after is manipulations, in this step the researcher explains the contents of each treatment including the controlled treatment that they will be used to manipulate. sometimes they can also write in the exact instructions they give to their participants (Myers & Hansen, 2011). The design comes after and in this part, the researcher explains what type of design they will be using and give a detailed definition of the design to better help the reader understand. Next is the results and in this section, the researcher explains all of their findings from the experiment. Discussion is second to last and in this part, the researcher evaluates the whole experiment and explains the result that was found. lastly is the references and this is where the researcher cites all the sources that they used to help build their research paper. I think that all section of a research paper is necessary because it helps the reader understand the researcher’s hypothesis or theory on the experiment.