Teaching and learning

Assignment briefing and mapping to Learning Outcomes (LO) and taught sessions

The student will demonstrate, critical analysis and reflective skills by producing a 6000word report. The completed document will provide evidence that the student has met ALL of the learning outcomes.
The following guidance is designed to aid with your assignment planning but is not exhaustive, you are able to include any information that will enhance the overall document and improve your learning.
The portfolio will comprise of 5 sections.

Section 1 You as a teacher and facilitator of learning reflective account

LO1 Evaluation and application of contemporary issues and models of teaching and learning in the healthcare setting using a critical reflective approach of their own practice.

Session 1 Learning & teaching 1: How adults learn key theory, perspectives, relevance to your role as a teacher. Scope and range of roles in
learning and teaching what knowledge and skills required

Session 2 Learning & teaching 2: Educational theory and links to practice

Session 3 Development and learning 1: Teaching and learning styles

Overview This section is a reflection of you as a teacher in your working environment. By using a critical reflective approach, you will be able to
demonstrate how you apply and evaluate teaching and learning theory to improve the student’s educational experience.

Section 4 Patient education, patient and carer participation and involvement in teaching, learning and assessment.

LO2 Evaluation of the impact of patient/carer education, involvement and engagement models on professional practice and education of healthcare staff.

Session 7 Contemporary issues in education 2: Patient education, Patient
involvement and engagement

Overview This section explores in depth the impact of including the patient and carers in healthcare education using current literature to argue the
advantages and disadvantages. Reflection of your own experiences may also be used.

Section 3 Innovation and contemporary practice & development in teaching and learning (technology, simulation, games, experiential learning, distance, communities of practice, problembased learning etc.)

LO3 Selection and appropriate use of technology and innovation within education and learning, whilst critically evaluating their effectiveness.

Session 6 Contemporary issues in education 1: Technology, innovation, interactive approaches (games, simulation, experiential learning)

Session 8 Contemporary issues in education 3: Inter professional education and learning, Communities of Practice

Overview You are to explore ways of enhancing the student experience using innovative methods. Challenge the historical trends in education by
critically evaluating if approaches discussed in sessions 6 and 8 are effective. What is the evidence?

Section 4 Learner development role of feedback approaches and adjustments for learning needs/support.

LO 4 Critical analysis and application of current theoretical and methodological approaches in learner assessment, feedback and support.

Session 4 Development and learning 2: Role of feedback (assessment, mentoring, coaching)
Session 10
Contemporary issues in education 4: Quality monitoring & evaluation

Overview Explore current methods of feedback, challenge the academic evidence and reflect on your own experiences of providing feedback.
What are the views from a learner and educator viewpoint? How may these views affect the wider organisation?

Section 5
Identification of learning and development to meet business needs, programme design, quality management and evaluation and evidencing impact

LO 5 Analysis of methodologies used for identification of education and learning interventions to meet business needs and evaluation of impact frameworks/methodologies.

Session 9 Identifying learning and development needs/training needs analysis, evaluation and impact/outcome measurement

Session 10 Contemporary issues in education 4: Quality monitoring & evaluation

Overview How do businesses identify education and learning needs? Explore evaluation strategies and how they may impact learning and teaching. What effect may this have on the learner and educator?