
Cover page: include the following

  • Student ID
  • Module Name
  • Academic Year Group
  • Lecturer Name.

Poster evidence, used for the plan – 1500 Words equivalent.

It is essential to use the assignment guide in conjunction with the assignment brief.

Using the research, you have carried in assignment 1 prepare a Poster that informs stakeholders about the challenge of the future of tourism incorporating sustainability agenda for your chosen organisation.

  1. Overview
  2. Goals
  3. Vision
  4. Past operations
  5. Present operation
  6. Future operations

Things to do,

Give a brief overview of your chosen organisation. (200 words)

State at least 5 goals of your chosen organisation, include both short- and long-term goals (100 words).

State the vision of the organisation and briefly outline the organisational values that support the vision (200 words).

Outline the past operations of the organisation that help to achieve the vision (300words).

What are the current operational issues that ensures organisation’s sustainable growth? Consider the impact of operations on the environment and the CSR activities of your chosen organisation. Give relevant examples (300words).

State the plans of the organisation in terms of market development and product development (400words).