Career Research Report


Provide a brief paragraph outlining the aims of the report and what profession/industry you will talk about in the assignment. This can be written in 1st person

General trends influencing the chosen industry or profession

What changes are happening in your chosen profession on industry that might impact on the jobs you apply for and the skills and knowledge you need. Consider the impact of globalization and technology for example. This section will be based on secondary research but can include comments or overview of your primary research data (someone you interview). This is a formal report section, written in 3rd person.

The required skills, experience and knowledge

Using information from secondary research, relevant professional bodies, and relevant job ads, you need to provide a summary based on the data collected. Look at key skills, knowledge and experience expected from an applicant at this stage in their career. This can be supported by primary research (interview results). You should aim for at least 5 personal skills and 2 areas of knowledge and expertise.


You need to identify an appropriate vacancy from your chosen industry or profession. Include the advertisement in full (not just a website link) containing job description, skills and all relevant information. The picture of the ad should be placed in the appendices. Within the report explain why this is of interest to you. How does it relate to your potential choice of industry or profession? Why do you prefer this job opportunity over another one? Is it a new or emerging role and will it be likely future proofed? As this is a reflection, you can write in 1st person.


Short summary of the main points of your report. The most significant future trends and explanation of the effect on the chosen industry or role.