Assessment And Clinical Decision Making For A Mental Health Patient In Crisis.

What is required to do in this assignment and guidelines for the assignment

You will identify a critical event from your mental health nursing practice at the crisis resolution and home treatment team (CRHT) that was necessary to make a team-based decision about the care of a service user in a mental health crisis. Use the scenario on the assignment brief attached. You will critically analyse the decision-making process, reviewing and evaluating relevant theory, models and evidence relating to the assessment and decision making in your chosen scenario. You should structure the report with the Introduction/ Identify, Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (ISBAR) communication model.

Your critical event analysis will be specific to your practice experiences and is aimed at exploring the impact this has on your development as a student nurse. You are required to select an example where you observed and/or participated in practice in which the team-based decision was made about a patient or service user. The assignment scenario should be based around the main topic in the Assessment and Decision-making in Mental Health Nursing listed as follows.

Physical and mental health assessment, social needs assessment, risk assessment and management, Short Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START), Shared decision–making in healthcare; theories and models like the DECIDE and SHARE Approach of decision–making. Suicide prevention and self-harm minimisation, principles of person-centred and holistic assessment, safety and care planning. understanding integrated care and co-morbidities, ethical issues relating to complex health and social care, Implementing mental health legislation and policy. Emotional Intelligence and resilience in nursing practice, and conflict resolution.

Others are patient’s consent, family/carer involvement care, principles of biomedical ethics, implementing mental health legislation and policy, emotional Intelligence, resilience, and conflict resolution, safeguarding and supporting vulnerable people with mental health problems, recognising, and responding to the needs of people with mental health illness.

Theories to consider are the information-processing model, intuitive-humanistic decision-making model, and O’Neill’s clinical decision-making model. Some mental health nursing theories that could be relevant to use in this report are Roberts’ seven-stage crisis intervention model, Erickson’s Modelling and Role Modelling theory and King’s Theory of Goal Attainment.

Read the assignment brief and adhere to its guideline