Early recognition of Delirium

1) Adhere to the word count distribution among sections:

– Background: should be 500 words / you have 582 words
– Literature review: should be not more than 2000 words/ you have 2645 words
– Change management: should be not more than 2000 words / you have 2378 words

Keep the paper within the word-count of 4500 words +/- 10% leeway. Right now, it is exceeded with more than 1000 words.

2) Address all comments from the file “Draft_add.docx”.

3) Literature Review:

– The rationale for the search strategy should be presented in the beginning of this section, and it should not be a separate section.
– CASP critiquing tool – this section should contain only a rationale for using a critiquing tool/framework the CASP Critiquing Tool. You need to include an example of one of the research papers being reviewed with the CASP Critiquing Tool as your appendix 2.
– Since the study given for the example of CASP tool application is supposed to be one of the studies under review, it is strange that this study is not actually reviewed in the literature review itself:

Brooke, J. and Manneh, C., 2018. Caring for a patient with delirium in an acute hospital: The lived experience of cardiology, elderly care, renal, and respiratory nurses. International Journal of Nursing Practice, [e-journal] 24(4), e12643.

– Issues /focusses raised by the literature: each article analysis should include the following parameters:

• Discussion on the research methods used by the key pieces of research found during the search
• Qualitative/Quantitative/Mixed Methods
• Sample Size
• Data collection methods – interviews/focus groups/questionnaires
• Use at least 5 (the UK) research papers on your topic to complete this section, which I have provided.
• Explore the findings of the papers and build a discussion showing the issues within the topic area
• Link in other pieces of literature and evidence – policies, websites, books, guidelines, articles.

4) Change Management:

“Change Management” subsection is not necessary.

The section should be fully restructured to cover the following:

• Identify a suitable change theory and provide a rationale for its selection, why this one?
• Discuss the chosen change theory model and explore the strengths and limitations of the theory
• Embed your service improvement plan into the different stages of the change theory
• Recognise and explore the challenges with implementing change – utilise other literature and evidence to deepen this discussion
• Identify potential ways to overcome challenges and barriers to change: Leadership – choose for example , transformational leaderships styles; Communication; Multi-disciplinary team working.
• Consider the resources needed to implement the change is it just leadership, communication, and multi-disciplinary working?
• This section must consider the service user – how are they involved in the change? How will they benefit?
• Consider how you will know that the change has taken place and is embedded
• Recommendation