Development for Success in Business

Essay question: Write an report analysing your Honey & Mumford (1986) learning style and motivations to attend lectures. Your analysis should incorporate the learning theories you have been learning in class.

1. Introduction (around 150 words)
This should include a
hook, background and an outline.
The background of your introduction should be a brief autobiography of
your past learning experiences in which you should discuss:

Your highest/most recent educational experience (Primary, secondary/high school, GCSEs, A Levels, GNVQ/BTEC, ESOL, Functional Skills, Access to Higher Education, certificate & diploma)

Your goals/motivations – what did you want to gain from this experience?

Your attendance – was it poor, okay or 100%? Explain why.

2. Learning Theory Analysis (around 300 words)
In this section, you should:

Analyse and synthesise any THREE learning theories you have been introduced to in class. Choose from the list below:

Learning Styles Theory
Experiential Learning
Information Processing Theory
Reflective Practice
Left Brain/Right Brain

Analyse and synthesise the different 6 types of attenders according to Dolnicar (2004) cited in the Understanding Student Attendance by Mearman et al. (2014).

3. Self-Analysis (around 200 words)

In this section, you should:
  • Identify and analyse your own preferred learning style according Honey & Mumford’s Learning Styles questionnaire (Click here to take the questionnaire)
  • Identify the type of attender you are according to Dolnicar (2004) cited in the article Understanding Student Attendance by Mearman et al. (2014).
  • Conclusion (around 150 words) Identify two weaknesses of your Honey & Mumford learning style and suggest ways to improve these two weaknesses for the future.
  • Reference List (not included in the word count) List at least THREE references (sources) you used to write your essay. Use your formative assessment to help you.


Here is a list of good texts to read:
