laughter is the best medicine

Informative Speech Research Requirements

 Competent communicators use a variety of sources and information to enhance speaker credibility and to support their topics. Therefore, as you complete this assignment, be sure to remember that in Assignment Research, you will be required to find the following types of credible sources for the topic that you have chosen:

 Book – printed book or e-book, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and textbooks.

 Periodical – journal, magazine, newsletter, or newspaper that is in print or accessed through an electronic database.

 Web Page/Website – a credible Internet web page or website on your topic.

 Other – multimedia (video/CD/DVD), training manuals, pamphlets, transcripts from radio/TV productions, or your personal experience.

 Personal Interview – you will interview a person who is a credible expert on your topic. The interview may be done in person, by phone, or via email.