Team Assignment

Now that you have defined your organizations information system infrastructure, you will learn about and demonstrate your understanding of the potential threats to those systems and the types of measures that could mitigate those threats. These pieces will finish your technical report. First, you will learn about different types of identity access management solutions and how they protect against unauthorized access.

The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) framework refers to this work as conducting a vulnerability assessment. To conduct a vulnerability assessment, a trained specialist would assess threats and vulnerabilities; determine deviations from acceptable configurations, enterprise, or local policy; assess the level of risk; and develop and/or recommend appropriate mitigation countermeasures in operational and nonoperational situations. Your team will not carry out all of these tasks, but you will assess the potential threats and vulnerabilities and the risk to your organization, and you will develop a mitigation strategy that includes an identity management system and any other safeguards you deem necessary.

To complete this section of your report, start by reviewing the following resources:

  • Information System Architecture
  • Web Security Issues
  • Insider Threats
  • Intrusion Motives/Hacker Psychology

Take what you learned about potential threats to assess the threat(s) to the organization’s information systems infrastructure that you wrote about in Step 4. Provide a brief summary of the kinds of threats that an organization could face, addressing insider threats, intrusions, hacker psychology, and other weakness that might provide opportunities to breach the system. Relate these threats to the vulnerabilities in the CIA triad.

Next you will provide a mitigation strategy that will include a description of an identity management system, which will include authentication, authorization, and access control. Remember that you are already expecting that your organization will need to update its identity management processes and policies, and you are laying the groundwork for the investment this will require. As an example, think about the requirements for doctors use of laptop devices when they visit their patients at a hospital and their need to connect to the hospital PHI data.