Employment Law

Listen to the podcast by the Institute for Social Justice on Sharing Parental Leave and critically analyse the issues covered in the podcast.

Ensure that you use relevant legal legislations and case law in your analysis.

This assignment requires you to research the area of family friendly rights and analyse the effectiveness of the law on shared parental leave. You will need to clearly identify and discuss challenges of shared parental leave.

The focus of the task is on your ability to research an area, engage with primary and secondary materials and make a reasoned and coherent argument in support of the conclusion you reach.

Ensure your assignment has a clear structure; a beginning, a middle and an end. Your introduction should make clear that you understand the task and set out how you intend to approach it.

You need to get across that you have engaged with key cases and journals. These are also very helpful to you as they will summarise and explain the relevant law in one place and signpost you to other materials that may be useful.

In your conclusion you should summarise your findings and set out clearly whether the law should be reformed. Your conclusion should flow logically from your discussion of the materials you have reviewed.