
Assignment 6: Unique fish adaptations

Upload to Blackboard by 11:59pm, Friday March 25, 2022.  As per your syllabus- you have a 2-day grace period in which to hand this in with no penalty, however it will not be accepted at all after 11:59pm, Sunday March 27, 2022.

Learning objectives: After completing this assignment, the student will (1) understand the biology of a fish and how the fish functions, (2) be able to explain a unique adaptation that fish has to help its survival/reproduction/feeding, and (3) be able to summarize information to create an infographic.


Fish have a host of adaptations that allow for survival in various zones of the ocean.  These adaptations increase survival and reproduction of the species, thus being favored by natural selection and being passed on each generation.

You need to choose a single species of fish.  Any fish (cartilaginous or bony fish, as we discussed in class) is acceptable.  Research your fish (use scientific, reputable sources!) and summarize the information you find into a concise, visual infographic.  An infographic is a single poster/slide of the information you find. It should contain lots of pictures and just a few bullet points summarizing the information.

Make sure to include in your infographic:

  • Name of fish (scientific and common name)
  • Where fish lives/ type of lifestyle (i.e., predator, reef dweller, pelagic swimmer, etc)
  • Adaptation
  • What adaptation is used for
  • How adaptation helps fish to survive and reproduce

Include at the bottom of your infographic any references you used (use proper citations), this includes any books, websites, journal articles, class notes, etc.