SWOT analysis of a DMO startegy/plan for Edinburgh

Assessment Task

 In groups of max. 4 people select and evaluate a Destination Management Organization

(DMO) strategy or plan of your choice. The destination scale (national to local) is at your discretion, but it needs to be pitched to the Module Leader by no later than Teaching Week 8. – EDINBURGH


Assessment title: Destination Strategy Report

Formative assignment task:

  • You must use Arnstein’s ‘ladder’ of citizen participation to discuss the degree of public consultation in the drafting and implementation of the strategy/plan.
  • You must use Hall’s growth triangle to illustrate the governance of the destination from a multi-scalar perspective.
  • You must provide a discussion on which public and private stakeholders might become involved with the DMO strategy/plan and highlight the relevance of said stakeholders for the leisure, travel and tourism industry of the destination.
  • You must expand on EITHER strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, OR threats identified in the plan/strategy. (approx. 400 words)
  • The length of the report should not exceed the 2,000 words (references excluded).
  • Support your arguments in the report with relevant academic theories and sources.