Evidence based practice / Theory

The ability to effectively defend your opinion or point of view, with sound evidence, is an increasingly important skill for nurses. Online debates provide an opportunity to learn how to effectively argue a point of view on a particular topic, while drawing from the available evidence and resources.

Research has shown that we learn by engaging with and discussing the material; the thoughts, opinions and research of author(s) and others so that we may make a decision to integrate it into our own ways of thinking and knowing.  Our open mindedness to the ideas of others contributes to our own knowledge development and thus contributes to the development or our profession.

We described evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing and the importance of basing our practice on the best available evidence. We discussed the barriers to evidence-based practice in nursing which can include misconceptions or negative views of EBP. The seven steps of EBP were described and the value of systematic reviews was reviewed.

In your assigned online discussion group, follow and address this as your initial post:

  1. Utilizing at least one additional scholarly article, describe actions you might take to address barriers to implementing EBP that you might anticipate in an area of interest to you.
  2. This is a group members work which will need a response to the post. It will need a reference to back up the post.